Kaushik Mohan aka Koach

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One Response to “Kaushik Mohan aka Koach”

  1. Anu Says:

    hey dude,

    its been ages since we connected. My lil Kaushik is become the man now and travelling around the world i see.

    My life has changed 360 degrees for the better, am currently working as the Director of Marketing for an Arts company promoting ballets, orchestras, museums etc. all across north America, also am the President of one of the oldest art groups in Canada, and an emerging new Canadian artist and poetess and the bean bag business is doing super good too.
    On the personal front met a wonderful person who is my best friend today, also an artist and an investment banker.
    So life is good. Have been busy with work and biz but also training for the Toronto Marathon.

    Just wanted to say hi and write back when you get a chance.

    Ciao buddy!

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